__I must tell you this site's optimized for 1024x768 in High-Res Color, but you can have an 800x600 too, if you don't have good view-results, put your browser's font to Small, I think Smallest isn't necessary.
__You must have Explorer 4.*, 'cause there is Dynamic HTML, if you don't you'll not sail this site as I projected, and you'll lost part of it. For Netscape's users: I've got some problems with compiling for Netscape, so it's possible that you'll not see everything correct, and some parts of this site couldn't be shown rightly, I'm trying to solve these problems as soon as possible ... So, by now, it's better you sail this site with Explorer 4.0, I'm trying to get better these pages ...
__I hope images's loading will be fast, these are in hy resolution to preserve their characteristics, I'll try to do those as small-dimension as possible.